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Ablution ( Wudu )

To performe Prayer (Salat) , you have to performe ablution (Wudu) first , read Wudu step by step

The prayer ( Salat )

How to performe Salat ? here you can find how to pray step by step insha'Allah

Sisters found Islam

Read amazing stories of sisters found Islam , read how they found the right path

Brothers found Islam

Do you want to know how they found Islam ? read their stories then you will know why they chose Islam

Islamic poetry

Islamic poemes written by sister Fatima

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

revert story of sister Elizabeth

It came to them as no surprise. My family seen it coming. After years of looking into Islam, my reversion was almost expected. Although my family has been very supportive, my peers on the other hand, were not. Id always been a sort of outcast but for the first time in my life, I was now officially being viewed as an alien in my own land. Peaking through the eye slits in my niqab, I seen the public looking back at me with fear and disgust. "Mommy why does she look like that?" one little girl said as she pointed to my Islamic dress. Countless others cross the street to avoid walking past me.  At first it was heart breaking to feel like the majority of people around me, just don't like me anymore. I eventually came to see that not all people are ignorant, many people have shown love and respect too. Before my reversion, I was the talkative and "bubbly" girl.  Always laughing and having fun, always the social butterfly. People liked to be around me and I too enjoyed the attention. In fact, I craved that attention. It was interesting to see that even the new me was getting attention too, but not in the same way. People were confused about me practising Islam and people were very curious too. Even today the staring does not seize. People can be so cruel. Even the people who know you, they too can be cruel. Sometimes they are the cruelest of people. Its was hard to see that some of those people who were once so close to me, now viewed me as an entirely different person. All simply because of the clothes I wear.
I first started looking into Islam when I was about 13 years old. Something about it just caught my eye and from that moment on, I was hooked. I couldn't stop researching Islam. My teachers would give us an assignment and tell us to pick a topic. You can guess what my topic always was. Islam. I started to realize that despite all the misconceptions I had, I was always convinced with a reasonable answer. No matter what it was, I was faced with surprisingly perfect explanations that I just couldn't ignore. I looked at my family and my childhood and I wondered how my life would be if we were Muslims. I started to compare myself to pious Muslims. "How could I ever be like them?" I told myself.  It seemed like it was an unrealistic goal to approach. After years of Islamic studies, I decided that I was ready for the challenge. After all what did I have to lose?  I just wanted some stability and happiness in my life.  Let me tell you a little bit about my family and how I lacked the guidance there in. Maybe this will give you a better idea of me and why I chose Islam.
I come from a broken home, no family dynamics, no rules and no love.  My sisters and I could run wild and no one even seemed to care. I could be gone for weeks on end, missing school and never even coming home. When I'd return back home, no one would even care to ask where I was or what I was doing. I could do anything and everything I wanted to do and I have never been punished or grounded by my parents, not even once.  It was Just complete confusion and pain for so many years. My father was an alcoholic and my mom was addicted to drugs. Astaghfirallah. My sisters and I were so use to our way of life, we didn't question it at first. The pain came as something almost normal.  I thought  to myself a lot, "life just sucks".  I remember many nights of my dad yelling and being violent. Mom was always crying. I can remember all the holes in the walls and all of the bruises left on my mothers face. How could I ever forget that? Three little sisters, stuck right in the middle of an inevitable disaster. We were constantly crying out for him to stop hurting her. Such trauma we endured as children. I started to notice what my family was missing. Obedience to God. How much different could my life have been if I was brought up with religion? This was constantly on my mind.
One early morning as my father slept, my mother quickly packed a bag and she grabbed my sisters and I. We were out of the house in such a hurry that I can remember running through the streets in my bare feet. My hand tightly clutched my older sister. "Where are we going?" I asked. My sister replied to me "We are running away".  I was sad and confused and I didn't want to leave my dad behind. I didn't know if I could ever see him again. We ended up in a battered woman's shelter and not too long after, I was talking to my dad behind a thick glass window within the prison walls.  Life was so hard. My sisters and I moved with our mother from shelter to shelter, until we finally settled down in a little low income community. I started to realize that there were so many people who faced similar problems. So many children lost and confused because their parents were lost in the ways of society. Canada was no exception. People living in their sins with no shame at all. After all, it was completely legal to live in haram. Canada was somewhat condoning this way of life.  I realized how life in Canada could be so much better, if we just implemented obedience to God in our everyday lives.
During our adolescence, my sisters and I made many terrible mistakes. Searching for the attention of a father figure and looking for love in all the wrong places. The mistakes we made brought us so much guilt and pain. Id cry myself to sleep on numerous nights and in those tears also came some healing. How beautiful it is, the honest cries of breaking hearts. The Confusion and pain still lasted for many years to come.  We were turning into our parents. Couldn't we just break the cycle and start our own lives differently? How would I ever begin living a life that I never knew nothing about? How hard could it REALLY be?  After years of "living in Haram", I almost found it impossible to break out of the lifestyle I knew so well.  I was broken but this brokenness was the feeling of a deep need, a deep desire to submit and surrender to Allah.  I was beginning to realize that Only God can help me and without God, I am truly nothing. I had a really long way to go before I could truly know God. I didn't even know where to begin. How would I get started?  One night I cried out to Allah. " Oh Allah the beneficent and the merciful, I have wronged myself and Surely only you can help me. Please help me Allah, please please please help me! Remove this pain from my life and show me what I need to do" From that moment on, I began by taking it one step at a time.  Here is my beautiful journey into Islam.
I reverted to Islam on Jan 28th 2012. Wallahi it was the best decision I have ever made! An easy decision to make, considering my circumstances. Being on "the other side" without Islam, I knew first hand the consequences of Living without obedience to Allah. Words cant even describe the overwhelming relief and comfort I felt on that day of my reversion to Islam. I spoke the words "La illaha il allah muhammed rasoul allah"  and just then, My body was shaken by an intense spiritual awakening. I bursted out in tears of joy. Finally I found what I have been yearning for all these years. I felt new again and I felt hope. For the first time in my life I actually felt hopeful! I left my past behind me. "Things are looking up now" I thought to myself. I now had a decent a chance at a good life. I started making friends with Muslim woman in my community. I was starting to feel a sense of belonging. Just knowing that there are countless others out there who love me and respect me, and they barely even know me at all. I thought to myself again "wow I have a family now, a big family"  and I was only beginning to feel the love that they had for me.  I felt so happy to realize that these people care for me and they want the best for me. Anytime I ever needed help in understanding Islam or even if I just needed someone to talk to, there was always a nice Muslim there for me and willing to lift my spirits high. How blessed am I? I truly am so thankful to have had this opportunity. Indeed, Allah has found me lost and he guided me. Alhumdulillah. Alhumdulillah ALLAHU AKBAR! God is great, I have no doubts about that.
Minutes after my reversion to Islam, I began to feel the spiritual high.  I was so motivated, so enthusiastic and very excited about the new life ahead of me.  I put the hijab on that same day, and it was liberating! I didn't have to worry about keeping up with all the latest styles and trends. I didn't have to fit into the expectations society had on woman. I was free. free at last. Hijab changed me. It made me shy and it reminded me everyday that I have great responsibilities. One day I was walking through a crowd of teenagers. I watched them all move aside creating a perfect path for me to walk through. Some of them stopped talking with each other, others rushed to hide their cigarettes behind their backs. I walked up to the bus terminals and an old man smiled as he held open the door for me. People were thinking good of me and I was shown such high respect. I now had a reputation to uphold.
After lots of hard work and research I began to grow. A few months later I could say my prayers in Arabic and I was beginning to feel even more close to Allah. By then, all my pains and my worries from childhood faded. My heart was healing. I couldn't believe how I was able to almost forget about all my sadness and anger. Any resentment I once held in my heart, was completely erased by love and forgiveness. I began to feel sorry for my family. I wanted them to feel good too and I didn't want them to suffer any longer. "Allah does not change the condition of a people unless they first strive to change what is in themselves"  I remember the Quran and what it told me. Then it hit me hard. Id have to share the beneficial knowledge of Islam... if I want the best for my family. They needed to know about the peace I felt in Islam. I had to share this beautiful religion with them and I knew that this would not be an easy task.
I started out by giving away Islamic books to my mother and sisters. I offered kind words of advice and I showed them about Islam through my loving actions and deeds. My mother began to be more loving towards me and she was now coming to me for advice and comfort.  One day my youngest sister asked me if I can put hijab on her and of course I didn't hesitate one bit. She looked at herself in the mirror with her hijab on and she smiled. " I wonder if I can be like you" she said.  I cried with such happiness.  I remembered having a similar feeling when I compared myself to the born Muslims. I thought that I could never be like them. I replied back to my little sister "  With the help of Allah, You can be anything you want to be. You just put your heart and mind into it".  She looked at me with surprise.  I don't think that she ever heard such encouraging words before. I can see that My family is slowly getting better and I am still actively giving them dawah.  Little by little, I feel like I am making a positive difference in their lives. I can still tell that my family is interested and curious about Islam, but they have yet to fully embrace it. Please pray for Allah to give my family guidance.
I think that I have been growing steadily in the deen and each day my faith is increasing in sha allah. Sometimes I rise and sometimes I fall, but i am beginning to see that this is a part of faith. What matters most is that you never give up and you always get right back up and keep on trying.  I hope that all the reverts out there who read this will find some comfort and hope. You are never alone, you are loved and Allah is always there for you.
**Even in the darkest of places, out can emerge people of wisdom and faith**
Sometimes even the best of people can come from the worst places. We all have an opportunity to achieve success. No matter who you are or where you come from, with the help of Allah you can succeed.  It may be more difficult for a revert then those born Muslims who have certain advantages. The bigger the struggle the greater the reward. Remember that.  It just depends on how much you want it and how far you are willing to go for it. Nothing is impossible with Allah. He can completely transform your life. My life has been transformed and I have Allah to thank for every single blessing he has bestowed on me.
I am thankful for all my struggles and all my pains, with out them I wouldn't be who I am today. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014

One man's journey from confusion to clarity ( Alexander now Rachid )

I reverted to Islam on 07 March, 2012 CE [Common Era] (14 Rabi3 al-Akhir 1433 AH [Anno Hijra]) after visiting a local masjid [Arabic: مسجد (place of worship/prostration). Prior to my conversion, I knew only a few things about Islam: That those who call themselves Christian are closest to Muslims in belief, the phrase of shahadah (testimony), and most importantly Taw7id [توحد], the Oneness of Allah.

When I was among Lutherans, they would teach me stuff like "Jesus went here and healed the blind man. Jesus went there and fed 5000 people." and then attribute the miracles to him, I never questioned it. When they brought up the Trinity, I couldn't grasp in my mind how God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit were one and the same. This confusion became greater when I reached high school and they taught about the Ramayana of Hindu scripture and the Iliad of of the Greeks. Rama was an incarnation of Vishnu, the Preserver deity of Hinduism and Achilles was a son of Zeus. According to Christianity, Jesus was God incarnate and was also God's only son which made me question it due to its similarities to these polytheistic religions. I even asked the leader of the youth group about this in front of everyone else before even looking into Islam and he had no answers for me. When I heard that Allah [contraction of "Al-Ilah" (الإله) The God] is One with no partners, no children, no associates in his kingdom; I was finally able to grasp who exactly God was.

After I accepted Islam, the first people I told — ironically — were the people in the church youth group; they were open-minded about my decision and didn't have any problems besides the fact that I supposedly never came to them with questions. Then I told my cousin and she responded similarly and warned me about what might happen if I tell Grandma; my sister just said, "better pack your things cuz Grandma's gonna kick you out!" Then, as a last resort, I told Grandma (I was originally going to wait until Ramadhan to tell her but she said I can't go anywhere without telling her) and I was told to leave. So I went back to the masjid and prayed the 3ishaa' (evening) prayer and a brother from Indonesia took me to buy some food for the night. On the way back, there was a pick-up truck in front of us with a sign on the back reading, "YOU'RE GONNA BE ALRIGHT" and I took it as a "sign" from Allah. Grandma spread the word around and received mixed reactions (some people telling her she was wrong and others telling her she shouldn't have done that) and when "Grandpa" (who is not really my grandpa, but we call him that) heard about it, he allowed me to stay with him for a little bit al7amdulillah.

Since then, my faith has went up and down from day to day life, but I am always sure I am on the right path.

A month later, my grandma let me back into the house. I spoke with my mother around the same time and told her that Grandma let me back in. She was surprised and said that "Grandma actually listened to her." At the same time, I started school and began studying the abjadiyyah (Arabic alphabet) and mastered the letters in a few months and could read fluently with the 7arakaat, although I still had trouble with occasionally mistaking the letter Ta (ت) as Nun (ن) or Tha (ث). By the time it was Ramadhan, I was memorizing suwar and learning Arabic from the brothers. I had even met brothers in Palestine and Egypt online who were helping me occasionally. Then, because essays are my biggest weakness when it comes to school, I failed two classes and lost my financial aid.

Over the course of the next year (between the two Ramadhans), I became popular in the community as a quick learner and a few people underestimated me and couldn't believe that I could read abjadiyyah after only being Muslim for under a year. This grew when I finished Surat Maryam in my second Ramadhan and people would talk about me as "the guy who memorized Surat Maryam." Some people even fail to believe that and have tested me a few times, although most people just listen to me recite the first page from memory and believe me. Al7amdulillah, I am a little more fluent in reading so I can read many ayaat without even trying and I can understand quite a few words, but I still have a long way to go before I can call myself fluent in Arabic. I fail to understand many words and I constantly request that people translate words for me because of either dialectal quirks or a word in fus7aa (classical Arabic) that I haven't learned yet. In sha'Allah some day I will be able to understand the Qur'an completely.

"O' Mankind! Fear your Lord who created you from one soul and created from it its mate. And He dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer." [Qur'an 4:1]

"He has commanded that you worship not except Him. That is the correct religion, but most of the people do not know." [Qur'an 12:40]

(Jesus said:) "And Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path." [Qur'an 19:36]

"Indeed, I am Allah. There is no deity except Me, so worship Me and establish Prayer for My remembrance."[Qur'an 20:14]

"Say: He is Allah, One." [Qur'an 112:1]

"Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one." [Deuteronony 6:4]

"Fear the LORD your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name." [Deuteronomy 6:13]

"The crowds answered: This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee." [Matthew 21:11]

"but Jesus said to them: I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?" [John 10:32]

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My journey to Islam ( a sister reverted to Islam after 3 years of search )

Assalam Alaikum My Dear Sisters,
My journey to Islam began during a trip to Morocco in 2005. Before this trip all I knew about Muslims is that they believe that Jesus (peace be upon him) was not the son of God & they didn't eat pork. I arrived in Morocco very late, so it was early morning before I was finally able to lay down to go to sleep. That's the first time I ever heard the adhan, I remember thinking to myself, well I'm definitely in a Muslim country, what did I get myself into? Monday-Friday my sister & brother in law would come to the house for lunch, everyday before lunch my brother-in-law would pray. This is the first time I had ever seen a Muslim pray. During my trip the family took me to a small village outside of Marrakesh called Ourika. There were of course people selling various things alongside the road, 1 vendor was selling clay minarets, my sister-in-law picked up 1 & asked me "What about this?" I told her no, when she asked why I told her because I'm not Muslim nor will ever become a Muslim.
The major part of the time in Morocco I was in Casablanca. While in Casablanca when I would go outside the family would insist that I wear hijab. When I returned home this is a habit I continued but not on a consistent bases not really understanding what it meant.
A couple of years later my husband left me & we eventually got divorced. I then became interested in a man from Jordan. I decided that since I seem to be interested in Muslim men then I need to understand some basic things about Islam. My intended then introduced me to a sister from Massachusetts, that sister then introduced me to a sister that was holding classes on Yahoo about different aspects of Islam. I began to attend those classes everyday.
After some time the sister asked me what was holding me back from accepting Islam. I told her Jesus (peace be upon him). She explained to me that Muslims hold Jesus (peace be upon him) in the highest respect, they accept his virgin birth, they accept him as the Messiah, but that he was only a prophet, & not the son of God. So I finally took my shahada after much prayer & thought a week after my birthday in April 2008.
All in all my journey to Islam took 3 years. I have been a Muslimah for 6 years now, alhamdulilah.

Monday, January 20, 2014

A Gift from Allah

اللَّهُمَّ صَيِّبَاً نَافِعَا
Allaahumma Sayyibann Naafi’aa
“O Allaah, (bring) beneficial rain clouds.”
(Bukhari – Fathul-Bari 2/518)
As she walked down the street
With only little in her purse
Homeless and beat
But feeling no curse

A stranger walked to her
Told her a sad story of loss
He asked her if she could spare some money
She realized Allah made their lives cross

She opened her purse
Only little did she have
She gave him what she had left
Not wanting to leave him feeling sad

He was grateful and left
She turned and walked away
Just then a drop fell on her nose
Of something she had prayed

A long summer drought
Started since May
She prayed everyday to her Lord
Please bring abundance of water today

Months later that drop readily turned to more
The Heavens opened up
And the rain began to pour

Her heart leaped with joy
Jumping in the puddles, knowing she’s come home
She knew Allah heard her prayers
Another day another leap of faith for Islam
She was given and shown

A gift from Allah
For her giving a moment in time
To a stranger in need
Even if it was as small as only the last of her dimes
 Fatima Aw       

Alhamdulillah, What made Him Special … FAith

Darkness shadowed over days; fear over night
In my journey
My journey toward the light

Letting go of the past
Shaytan did not want
Keeping grips
Holding firm
This, the last of his term

There was a man who was sent
He Sat and read Qur’an
He kept the torch lit for me
In the Darkness before the dawn

Twists and turns he journeyed through
With me by his side
He taught me so many helpful things
Though with this my patience always died

Now I see with brighter days, no more fear in night
Because he showed me useful things
How much better to survive

I pray Allah will always give
This man many rewards
Because he kept the torch lit for me
As he held open for me, a new door
 Fatima Aw     


The Art of Love Making

“The most perfect of the believers in faith are the best of them in morals. And the best among them are those who are best to their wives.” Narrated in Mosnad Ahmad, #7354, and Al-Tirmizi, #1162. 

The Art of Love Making

A husband who holds the hand of his wife
While walking beside her daily in life

To help hold the brush to paint the sunrise and set
Beginning new things because they just met

Help guide the pen to help her write calligraphy with beauty and ease
Hold gently the  Qu’ran and teach her to recite when she asks ‘Will you help me Please

Hand over hand to teach how to pray
Making Dua together goes a long way

Standing in front protecting her from harm
Guarding her honor, that’s part of his charm

Whispering sweet every thing
pushing her gently on a swing

Keeping the child within her alive
because by the Mercy of Allah, she has continued aging

Holding one hand, handing a rose to her in the other
The Art of Love Making will then be mastered by her lover,

They will learn how to fly with just one kiss
a single moment together in time will become an eternity of bliss

 Fatima Aw         

Another step toward Salaam

The man in black glared at me
Not a word did he say
As I sat with a lighter under a tree
I thought “Was I his prey?”
I looked away and back again
Still he stood near me
I wonder what this could be about
While I sat under the tree
The next minute as I looked
No where was he?
The man in black he was gone
While I sat under the tree
I got up and began to walk
Away from the tree
I heard a screech then a crash
Was it meant for me?
There on the street smoke from the hood
Of A black mini van
Who was the owner who hit the sign?
“Watch for children”
I walked away and said a prayer
Circled back again
Was this my last chance to be saved?
As I watched the firemen
To the shelter I returned
Shaken yet calm
Kneeling down I began to read Qur’an
Taking another step toward Islam

 Fatima Aw       


The Dawn Awakening

Journey to Islam
Once upon a time, from across the ocean blue
I met a unique man so honoured and true
A wise Muslim man from across the sea
A good Muslim brother he turned out to be
He spoke via with me across some rogue waves
Assuring me not to worry just watch for brighter days
A sound then was heard from his window one early morning dawn
This sound never heard here in my homeland, the sound of Salaam
These healing Arabic words that’s been set apart
Could only be true healing for the need of one’s heart
I felt a sudden awakening as I bowed my head
My starving spirit feeling it had just been fed
A feeling of peace
As I began to plea
Please God take me away from this life
Bring me where I can be free
A year went by as I studied and strive
Beginning to learn the best ways to survive
As My old ways of life began to gradually die
I looked back once more and gave a final sigh
Looking ahead as another year went by
My journey continued but with no more need to ask Why
Praise be to Allah, he forgave all my sins
Glory is to Allah for calling me home
And that’s when I became a Muslim
 Fatima Aw     

 Dawn Sunrise — 1 Ramadan 1433 H
(July 20 2012 )

Clear Reflections

Beautiful day for a morning walk
as the snow falls gently against the rocks
Quietly strolling with only the sound of the brook
Stopping to reflect as I take a long look
Breathtaking The way nature is set for us to explore
To think, feel, and see as Allah opens the door
The water so calm standing still like clear glass
then sudden rapids begin with the water rushing so fast
Realizing this is our life as it never stays the same
Just as the water in a brook never stays tame
the stream comes to calm after hard rocks and fallen trees
Just as Allah Promised after hardship comes ease
Fatima aw 

The Hijab of Piety

Am I worthy to wear my hijab
I ask myself this question each passing day
It’s a state of reflection so In shaa Allah I don’t loose my way
It’s not just a cloth to hide my head
It’s not just a cloth to say in hopes to be said
It’s not just a cloth to make me seem righteous and true
It’s not just a cloth I place for something to do
It not just a cloth because I was told it was right
It’s not just a cloth so I can hide like the night
It’s not just a cloth to keep dirt from my hair
It’s not just a cloth so people can stare
Do not other’s have a struggle; a fight of their own
As they look in the mirror, their body only on loan
What do I do with this shell to display?
Do I give it to Allah, or to society’s way?
This is what is called jihad
We try to explain
It’s inner war within us
so we don’t decay
So I ask as I look in the mirror,
come what may
Am I worthy to wear my Hijab
And live the true Islamic way?
Fatima Aw          

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Revert story of sister *** Surabhi *** from India

My name is Surabhi Singh, now Saffiyah Subeerah, 27 years old single female living in New Delhi, India and working as a professional in a Delhi based company. I was born and raised as a Hindu in a nice and loving upper middle class family
when I was 19 years old, Islam touched my life for the first time via internet. I started studying about Islam, not to revert but from academic point of view, to gain spiritual knowledge just like I did for other religions like Buddhism, Jainism I started readings books on Islam, its inner aspect and I was quite happy to see that it made perfect sense and had whatever I needed for leading a peaceful and happy life. Islam had everything for me, complete submission to one and only Allah, the creator, promoting equality in all humans without discriminating on the basis of race, color, nationalities, class of sex. These teachings of Islam was most important for me and it won over my soul and then my quest for Islam started increasing, it was like I am seeking Islam and Islam seeking me. It was like Allah wants to embrace me and I want to embrace Allah, time was passing and Islam was slowly and slowly entering my heart and soul. I never looked back again and keeping getting immersed in Islam. I bought myself a copy of Qur’an and started reading. Later my devotion to Islam was going north even without reverting I started praying and Fasting during Ramadan. I started questioning myself what I really want in life and what was the purpose of life, do I want to be a Muslim and revert to Islam? or I would stop there, but I was feeling that I am more compatible to Islam, I can lead a very progressive and peaceful life as a Muslim .Than Finally after a long years of yes and no, I decided that I will embrace Islam and I would submit myself to Allah without any hope of reward and Allah will be most important one in my life above any one …So I decided to take shahadah without any further delay
After Ramadan I decided to revert to Islam but I wanted to chose a specific day though I knew I will always remember the day of my reversion so I chose my date of birth to revert.
Reaction of parents/friends
I have kept my reversion secret as of now with my parents, some of my friends knew but they don’t seem to have changed, they are behaving same with me before my reversion.
There has been great positive response from the Muslim community, I am getting all sort of help regarding my queries, confusions and also regularly updating me regarding Islam as a new Muslim without asking, I am over whelmed the kind of help I am getting …In Sha Allah I am very happy and hope to get this kind of help in future as well
Future plans.
I wish to follow Islam truly and submit to Allah and strengthen my Imaan, I would like to interact with more people and seek knowledge from them. I seek more knowledge and guidance from Allah and from my Muslims Brothers and sisters in near future and later I don’t know what Allah has stored for me, maybe get married to a nice Muslims man who can help me and be my partner in leading a life as per Qur’an and Sunnah of prophet.
I would like to add for my born Muslim brother and Sisters, that they realize that Allah had given them a privilege to be born as a Muslim and hope they forget it not and do not take that gift from Allah as granted. Ask me or any other revert to Islam who were born in non-Muslim families and had to face challenges and dilemmas just to get what you already have since birth, the truth and Guidance of Allah and the holy Qur’an and the knowledge that comes from it. Let us all be Thankful to Allah for guiding us….Alhamdulillah!!!

my journey to Islam ” story of sister Aicha” ( Chantal )

Salaam alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu
A little bit about me and my journey to Islam.
My parents are catholic and gave me their faith when i was born.
I used to go to church when i was little. Always found the church to be cold and dark….didn’t really like it.
As i grew up, and we moved to a different city, i became very close to the girlfriends i had at my new school. They where muslim…and at first i felt really connected toward their culture, they are Moroccon, really warm and the way their families are with eachother felt good.
As i got older i had many problems with my parents and really started to rebel.
But when i got my own place things really changed for me…i was in my own little world and my interest in faith grew…but not the catholic faith as i had many question marks about that, not of interest but of disbelieve.
I started to look into my friends faith and read a lot….after the reading and exploring about Islam i really found the truth that i was always looking for and found answers to my questions.
For me reverting to Islam was the best choice i have ever made in my whole life. And it felt very natural.
I reverted in 2001..al Hamdulillah
I dress pious and try to be a good muslimah in sha Allah. Still learning and will till my dying day.
May Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) guide us all and give us the knowledge we need and look for……ameen.
this story is for sister Aicha and this is it’s source :

Jane “Imaan” Discover Islam by Hearing Azan ** A New Muslim Journey from Philippines **

My name is Jane and my adopted name is Imaan
I was born in Philippines in 1992, in a city called Manila.
Before Islam
I grew up in a Christian home together with my parents and my siblings. We always attend masses at Church every Sunday and my parents let me study in Catholic schools and universities. I learned a lot during that time about Christianity but most of them are questions in my mind which my parents and some professors never answer me back with a reliable answer. I used to ask myself before, especially when we are in the Church and praying, I am so confused. I felt like there’s something not true and I need to find it.
One day I saw a Muslima wearing Niqab in a store while buying some books I suddenly look in her eyes and we had an eye to eye contact at that very moment I felt like she’s the most beautiful woman I ever seen in my whole life. At that time I didn’t really know they are called Muslims but I called them before as Ninjas. When I went back home I asked all my aunties, cousins and some of my friends who are they, why they are wearing that, why they are hiding their faces, why and why and why but no one give an answer they just say “they are terrorist” “they kill innocent people” and so on..
During those days, we went to an Islamic place. I didn’t knew about Muslims and Islam at all that time. I heard from media that most of them are terrorist and my family believes on what they heard on media but I ignored it because I really don’t judge a person by their religion. When I was 18 years old. I started studying other religions. I never give up searching for an answer. People around me especially my parents seems annoyed by my questions I felt like no one understands me.
Finding Islam
After a year, we went to an Islamic place which 60% of the people there are Muslims but I never had a chance to make Muslims friends at that time because I am not really friendly and I feel so shy. Around six in the afternoon we went to a Church to attend a Mass with our whole family. It was 2nd day of November, I was standing in one corner then suddenly I heard the Azan for the very first time in my life I was so amazed and I felt like it’s calling me and my body wants to walk towards the sound. I didn’t notice the mass was ended then I was just staring in the sky and in that moment it was the best feeling I ever felt in my life.
Being a Muslim
When we got back in our city I started to study Islam and from there I decided to take my Shahada alone in my room. Alhamdulillah for the internet I met many muslim sisters and brothers and also Islamic internet sites who helped me out on how to perform Salah. Actually I kept on watching and watching all over again after that I did give a try to perform Salah for the first time and I was so shocked that I did cry a lot the whole time knowing my lips can speak Arabic words without doing an effort. It was a sudden change in my life. I quit all the bad habits I am doing, hanging out late at night with friends, Drinking alcohol and Smoking. People around me think I am crazy like a female psychopath. Every time I prayed Salah in front of them they keep on laughing at me, Friends called me uncool because I am not into their trips now. Fasting alone in our house during Ramadan and.. Being alone every Eid but still Alhamdulillah. Praying Salah and reading Quran makes me feel I am not alone at all. I admit, I always asked question to my brother and sister in Islam maybe they got a bit annoyed. I asked Allah to help me, to answer my questions. SUBHAN ALLAH! Every time I asked question, He answered it every time I open and read the Holy Qur’an.
Most of the people in my life kept asking me “Do you really need to convert to other religion so you can change to a better person?” and so I just smiled and think of the words I’ve read inside the Holy Qur’an
“Allah guides whom He wills to a straight path”
I didn’t choose Islam, Allah choose me.

my revert story **Catrina**

La ilaha illa Allah

As Salam Alaikum , Brothers and Sisters,
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds; and may his blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. 
I was always brought up with the belief in God and only one God, my mother had us christened catholic as babies , so we celebrated christmas, easter etc, but mum was never very religious, mum taught us to say the lords prayer before bed.
My younger brother found Islam a few years ago, on his visits he would always try and explain how the bible had been re written to mans liking ,  i just used to listen and although what he tried to teach me was interesting and some of it made sense, i was still  not understanding, as my children grew and made more friends via school and after Religious Education lessons at school they would come home and tell me about the different religions, i then became more open minded to others and learnt  more about people , some religions made no sense at all to me , but the more i heard and read about Islam, it was making sense.
My eldest son, 15 yrs of age at the time, came home from school one day and said what would i do if he became a muslim?, well i was lost for words as i had not expected this at all, as only a yr previous he had been christened Church of England at his request, so this was a complete surprise, i told him to do more research and learn more about becoming a muslim and to read some more of the bible and read the quran, he said he would, The next day he came home from school and said , “mum don’t be angry, i’v said Shahada ” i looked at him and said “what is Shahada”? I was once again surprised, but it was his choice and up to him, he then explained that he can only eat Halal meat, i knew what this was because i had catered for my brother , so this was not a problem, later that day my other son who was 13 told us that he had been learning about islam which i sort of knew  he had been, as he was not christened with his siblings.
Learning all this from my two eldest sons i rang my brother and told him , straight after work he came round with prayer caps and prayer mats and was making sure that my mind was at ease, Which it was i was totally at ease in my heart and mind , as i saw it i had done a good job as  a mother so far, in making sure my children believed in God, and even more proud that they had made up their own minds on their paths to follow, my thought was, they are going to be good boys not out on street corners, drinking, smoking getting arrested, instead thy will be doing good to others and taking good care of them selves. all this was in the june by the second Eid of that year my second eldest son had said his Shahada.
A year later my eldest was at mosque and got a invite to go to do Hajj all paid for by a brother, i was very worried and suspicious as any mother would be, but i was assured that it was a most charitable thing a muslim could do for another muslim, so i signed the letter to agree for my son to go out to Saudi Arabia , i did a lot of research before and after signing and learnt a lot during the months leading up to my son leaving for Mecca,  during this time i had a dream that all my neighbours were shouting out of their windows AS SALAM ALAIKUM CATRINA, yet none of them are muslim, i woke up with tears and a pounding in my chest , the same kind of feeling i had when i had my children and saw their little faces for the first time it was a feeling of happiness and love, yet i also felt confused, what did it mean i , did not tell my husband or my sons straight away i just found Quran app on my phone and read it when ever i got the chance , i started asking my brother more questions, and researching more on the net. 
Whilst my son was performing hajj, i was watching our brothers and sister circling the Kubba every night before i went to sleep  i was becoming closer and closer to Islam.
Whilst reading the Quran via the computer i decided to listen to it in Arabic . WOW it is so beautiful, so as well as reading our Holy Quran and Allah’s word making more and more sense to me , unlike any other holy book, and realising , there was not any possible way this was mans word there is just so much knowledge that could not possibly be known by man of that time 1400 years ago , and then there is the sound of it being recited in Arabic, it could not be changed by man for if man tried to change the word of God in this book it would not sound right it would not flow so smoothly from the tongue, it would have flaws and not have that rhythmic sound , to me definitely a book  of knowledge and wisdom that only our creator could know ,.
Now upon realising this i still had my worries. secretly wanted to become a muslim practise islam pray the way that i was supposed to , but i tried fighting it i would try and find reasons not to revert , id seen the way family members had reacted to my sons reverting and when ever my brother mentioned needing to go and pray when he was visiting my mum the look on her face ,   and if he mentioned, anything about islam the debates that would happen , i didn’t want this to happen.  So when ever my boys or my brother would mention me reverting ,  id say it is good enough that i believe, im not wanting to put a label on me and there no way i want to cover up ,.
 My eldest came back from Saudi Arabia just after Eid so elated , and i had learnt so much, i finally realised i had a pulling in my chest again i needed to read something about Islam or read a bit of the Quran each day, i finally spoke to my husband about it and his first words were “It up to you but im not becoming a muslim” i told him im not asking you to become muslim. 
I kept trying to question things but i could not, i spoke more to my husband and he said he was happy if i were happy, he started reading Quran also he admitted that he didn’t understand much so i tried to help where ever i could, and i would bring the subject of islam up every time my brother visited , . 
Then one day i declared that i do want to revert, probably soon, but still not quite ready to commit , my brother explained that , the sooner i reverted the better as were not promised tomorrow .
 My  brother and sister in law invited us for Eid last october, and i asked him could i take Shahada , He cried with such delight, My brother arranged for me to visit a brother and uncle that guided him and my second eldest son for their Shahada, after our meal my husband stated that he would like to come with us, then Subhanallah in the car on the way to our brother and uncle my husband declared that he also wished to do Shahada , well you can imagine my face my brothers face our two sons faces were smiling wider then the car bumper, it was wonderful.
 We said our Shahada and talked Brother Safar asked the question that i get a lot now    What made me decide, and i love explaining to born muslims and non muslims, And i think some wished they hadn’t asked as i do go on a bit  .
 I didn’t wear hijab straight away,  i did want to but did not have the confidence, to worried what others would say , over the winter months i started draping my scarf over my head when my mum asked why i just told her that it was to stop the draft, yes my mum still did not know that i was a muslim yet, then after we stopped getting the  drizzles of snow in february , i decided i didn’t care what any one else thought  of me this is me i like me . 
My husband knew i wanted to cover properly, so i bought a big thinner scarf wrapped it around my head and shoulders clipped it in place and took the children to school , and do you know what the reaction of other mums were, Nothing no one battered an eyelid other mums still spoke to me , over the weeks some asked if i was a muslim or weather i just liked the fashion, my reply this is not fashion it is modesty , , there are one or two that don’t speak but there are so many that do and alot more mums that have spoken to me for the first time new sisters,
 One new sister that i did not know was  a born Muslim approached me in a shop and informed me that she had seen me at the school playground and that she had a lot of respect for me being brave enough to wear hijab, and that she had had a dream a while before about her dad placing a covering over her head, and that she knew she needed to wear hijab, and it only since she has seen me wearing hijab that she will soon wear it also. A week later i got tapped on the shoulder at the school , i turned around to see our sister wearing hijab and she was thanking me for making her feel guilty for not wearing hijab,  and me not liking the thought of making someone feel bad, i apologised , she said No it is good and that i would get blessings for reminding her of the right way to dress.
Im know looking forward to my first Ramadan with my family In Shaa ALLAH.
In shaa Allah we keep on the straight path me and my family .     
Catrina x