Monday, January 20, 2014

The Hijab of Piety

Am I worthy to wear my hijab
I ask myself this question each passing day
It’s a state of reflection so In shaa Allah I don’t loose my way
It’s not just a cloth to hide my head
It’s not just a cloth to say in hopes to be said
It’s not just a cloth to make me seem righteous and true
It’s not just a cloth I place for something to do
It not just a cloth because I was told it was right
It’s not just a cloth so I can hide like the night
It’s not just a cloth to keep dirt from my hair
It’s not just a cloth so people can stare
Do not other’s have a struggle; a fight of their own
As they look in the mirror, their body only on loan
What do I do with this shell to display?
Do I give it to Allah, or to society’s way?
This is what is called jihad
We try to explain
It’s inner war within us
so we don’t decay
So I ask as I look in the mirror,
come what may
Am I worthy to wear my Hijab
And live the true Islamic way?
Fatima Aw