Islamic Poetry
these poems are for sister Fatima and she gave me approval to post it in my blog and this is the link of her blog
“Truly, in some poetry, there is wisdom.” [Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud]
Ubayy Ibn Ka’ab, Radi-Allahu anhu, reports Rasulullah (s.a.w) as having said; “Poetry contains (much) wisdom.” (Mishkaat with Mirqaat Vol. 9 Pg. 122 Ashrafiyyah).
Mullah Ali Qari (r.a), a renowned Muhaddith explains that poetry containing truth, wise words, advices, useful parables, etc. that are of benefit to mankind, as well as those containing praises of Allah and Nabi
Once upon a time I would write only saddened with gloom and despair
Then I became a Muslim, Allahu Akbar, now my poetry is full of light that I would like to share … … (please link through picture)
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