Wednesday, January 1, 2014

my journey to Islam ” story of sister Aicha” ( Chantal )

Salaam alaykoum wa rahmatulahi wa barakatu
A little bit about me and my journey to Islam.
My parents are catholic and gave me their faith when i was born.
I used to go to church when i was little. Always found the church to be cold and dark….didn’t really like it.
As i grew up, and we moved to a different city, i became very close to the girlfriends i had at my new school. They where muslim…and at first i felt really connected toward their culture, they are Moroccon, really warm and the way their families are with eachother felt good.
As i got older i had many problems with my parents and really started to rebel.
But when i got my own place things really changed for me…i was in my own little world and my interest in faith grew…but not the catholic faith as i had many question marks about that, not of interest but of disbelieve.
I started to look into my friends faith and read a lot….after the reading and exploring about Islam i really found the truth that i was always looking for and found answers to my questions.
For me reverting to Islam was the best choice i have ever made in my whole life. And it felt very natural.
I reverted in Hamdulillah
I dress pious and try to be a good muslimah in sha Allah. Still learning and will till my dying day.
May Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) guide us all and give us the knowledge we need and look for……ameen.
this story is for sister Aicha and this is it’s source :