Monday, April 15, 2013

My journey to Islam

My name is Donovan, I took my Shahhada December 27, 2012 and it was te best blessing I ever had! My journey started when I was 17 . I will not go into all the details right now but I will say that I learned a few things while going through each religion. 1 . Every religion I researched had a similar beginning however they all went in different directions quickly. 2. The people of the religion if asked questions about the integrity of the foundation quickly get offended and like to bash another religion about something that might sound strange, while the strangeness of their own beleifs elude them. While I could keep going on, I will jump to my life 26 years old. I had years of knowledge and experience of the different ways people live and believe , except Islam. I was finally introduced to the Quran. I only ever heard the word few times. So I read this beautiful book in the English translation and even in its transfer, it held my heart in its pages spread out through over 100 Su'rah, or chapters. I knew on this day that I would take my Shahhada soon no matter what anyone thought. This is my life, my peace, my happiness. Yet for me to study , worship, and even be the best at Islam is not enough. I believe in meaning of life unlike all the people that believe in randomness. I have seen the way God works through life. I believe my life is ment for enlightening more people to Islam and to let them know the true meaning of what it means to be Muslim. Subanalla! It is so funny because One brother asked me if I thought the transfer to Islam would be hard and my answer back was that My mother had raised me in a way that the things I do and believe, are 90 percent already of how a Muslim should be. So to be Muslim is to be myself. Subanaala! I just want to say im happy to be home and back in the belief with my brothers and sisters I love you all. I will end by saying that I now understand why god chose to name my son Gabriel. Thank you Allah.