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Sunday, March 3, 2013

How I found Islam … ** Jessica **

This is the short story on how I found Islam ...

I was pagan.
So I was trying to learn more about my turkish ancestry , I went to this site where you can make friends with people in other countries to learn their language. So anyways I made a penpal to help me with the turkish language.

My friend happened to mention they were Muslim in passing, also he mentioned a few things about Islam and how Islam organizes your life...

I got curious case the only thing I know about Islam is what I had pre conceived notions about....

I started reading and realized Islam was nothing like I thought it was, it was actually quite beautiful and organized. I am a person who loves organized haha...

Well too sum it up I felt something in my heart when I started studying Islam... I've never felt before , my heart felt full, and I absolutely fell in love ... I've never had this feeling before with any religion...

I said my shahada on skype with my now dear friend and brother. Now I'm on my journey to learn all that I can. I am taking it one step at a time.

Most my friends support me and some of my family. My husband is not Muslim and he is in the military... We also live on a military base ... So things have been tough, but nothing more than I can handle, Alhamdulillah!!

I have no Muslim friends yet in my community, but insha'allah I will.

I have my two dear brothers/friends online that have and are helping me through my transition... I don't know if I would have had the courage without their guidance. Masha Allah they are my rocks through my transition. But first and most Allah waited for me for almost 32 years to finally find him. Allah is most kind!

Thank you for listening to my story!
Jessica :)